This dream takes place in a large city in California, right in the downtown area.
In the dream, I’m with family members at a traffic light in some city downtown. We are driving a silver or dark grey Range Rover. Two Chinese women approached the vehicle and opened my passenger door. One of the women carried a set of car keys- as if to say this was her vehicle and we were mistakenly in the wrong car.
I can recall looking around at our surroundings. We were on S Lee St. I wanted to gather information to report this group to the police. I noticed another grey colored Range Rover nearby, parked on the side of the road.
I could tell from the age of the women it looked as if they were mother and daughter. They had two young boys with them as well.
I noticed the younger boy appeared to have mental or other health issues by the look of his body language. He walked with his arms held out in front of him, so perhaps he had trouble seeing. His face was covered with red spots too. My thoughts about the spots suggested they came from either scolding hot water that was purposefully thrown in his face or from another form of torture. The child looked extremely helpless and walked close to the older boy.
The older woman wore a hat.
The younger woman, I could tell was getting into her older years, with silver strands starting to show in her dark hair. Her hair was straight and about an inch or two below the shoulder. She wore large dark sunglasses and wasn’t as open to showing her identity as the older woman.
They approached each Range Rover with keys in hand and would walk confidently up to them to see if doors were unlocked to steal it.
The time of day was either before or after the city lunch rush-hour. The streets were mostly empty of people. One business had a line of flag poles in the front where guests arrived.
I would suggest that people stay on the lookout for this group and report them. Stay alert and always lock your doors, while driving or otherwise. Be sure to check your surroundings often.
~Cassie Secor